译:如何成为一名 “捞逼” 工程师

译:如何成为一名 “捞逼” 工程师


原文地址:How to be a -10x Engineer

+10x engineers may be mythical, but -10x engineers exist.

+10 倍工程师可能是神话,但-10 倍工程师是存在的

To become a -10x engineer, simply waste 400 engineering hours per week. Combine the following strategies:

要成为一个-10 倍工程师,只需每周浪费 400 个小时的时间。可以使用以下策略:

Nullify the output of 10 engineers. 使 10 名工程师的输出无效化。

Change requirements as far into development as possible. To avoid blame, obfuscate requirements from the start.


Create 400 hours of busywork. 制造 400 小时的繁忙工作。

Ask your team to perform tasks that resemble work. Common examples include presentations, diagrams, and ticket management. Create pointless rituals.

让你的团队执行相似的重复任务。比如 PPT、图表和整理发票。制定无意义的日程。

Create 400 hours of burnout/turnover. 制造 400 小时的倦怠或者人员流失。

Be thankless. Foist blame. Sow confusion. Get angry. Cause others to work overtime.


Hold 10 engineers hostage in a technical discussion. 让 10 名工程师困在无数的技术讨论中。

Let engineers discuss ideas. Encourage them to pursue elegance over pragmatism. Ensure nobody has the authority to make any decisions.


Add 400 hours of communication overhead. 增加 400 小时的沟通成本。

Meetings wreck calendars. To inconspicuously waste others’ time, write lengthy messages/documents and share as widely as possible. Welcome all opinions and aim for engagement.


Waste 10 weeks of wages on cloud costs. 在云计算成本上浪费 10 周工资。

Write slow programs. Avoid DB indexes. Run single-threaded programs on 16-core machines. Opt for exotic hardware with fancy RAM and GPUs. Store data on RAM/disk liberally. Don’t compress anything. Pay no attention to data layouts.

编写慢速程序。避免使用数据库索引。在 16 核机器上运行单线程程序。选择配置奇特的硬件,如高端 RAM 和 GPU。慷慨地在 RAM/磁盘上存储数据。不要压缩任何东西。不要关注数据分层。

Create useless tools. 制作无用的工具。

Decide that existing solutions aren’t quite what you need. Write scripts that only one person understands. If the script does something important, avoid documentation.


Add 400 hours of compilation/build time. 增加 400 小时的编译/构建时间。

Slow builds waste time and incur compound interest. As build times increase, developers are more likely to distract themselves. To ensure developers are context-switching, recompilation should take at least 20 seconds. You can also write slow tests for similar effect.

用缓慢的构建来浪费时间并让它们产生叠加在一起。随着构建时间的增加,开发人员更容易分心。为确保开发人员在不同事情上切换上下文,重新编译应至少需要 20 秒。你还可以编写缓慢的测试以达到类似的效果。


Write pointless tests. 编写无意义的测试。

Create dependencies on particular variables without testing the underlying functionality. Mock function calls until no original code runs. Introduce subtle randomness into your tests so that they succeed/fail without cause.


Waste 400 hours of engineering on bad architecture. 在糟糕的架构上浪费 400 小时的工程时间。

Give zero consideration to how your system design will evolve over time. Alternatively, drive your team obsess over architecture decisions so that they don’t have time to test their hypotheses.


Waste 400 hours on deployment. 在部署上浪费 400 小时。

Create as many environments as possible. Production and staging must differ wildly. Launch fragile code with fragile build systems. Migrate your databases frequently.


Lose 10 weeks of wages on unhappy customers. 因为客户投诉损失 10 周工资。

Repeatedly fail to detect and address severe bugs. Pay no attention to security vulnerabilities.

反复没能定位和解决验证 BUG。对安全漏洞不予关注。

Write worthless documentation. 编写无价值的文档。

Explain code in private messages. Write wikis that nobody uses.


Trap 10 engineers in a futile skunkworks project. 让 10 名工程师陷入徒劳的秘密项目。

Attract bright engineers and waste their potential. Undersell the difficulty of the project to management; oversell the project’s usefulness. Tell management it’s “almost complete” until they scrap it.


Add dependencies that demand 400 hours of maintenance. 增加需要 400 小时维护的依赖。

Engineers individually learn each library.


Delay pivoting. 拖延转机。

Never admit failure. Drown your team in sunk-cost. Ignore 80/20 compromises that could improve your circumstances.

永远不要承认失败。让你的团队保持沉默,不断消耗。忽略可能改善你的处境的 80/20 (80/20 原则认为,通过专注于解决问题的关键 20%,可以实现 80%的结果) 折中方案。

Hire 10 0x engineers. 聘请 10 名 0 倍工程师(简单理解对团队没改善的人)。

Opportunity costs can kill. Dead-weights may not actively harm your team, but they sit in the chairs of people who could actively help.


Hire 5 -1x engineers. 聘请 5 名 -1 倍工程师(理解为有消极影响、不愿意自我提升的人)。

Don’t settle for dead-weight. Actively hire engineers who cause catastrophes and resist learning.


Prevent 10 -1x engineers from getting fired. 阻止 10 名 -1 倍工程师被开除。

Don’t rock boats. Leave no paper trail of failures. Vouch for bad engineering.


Incur 400 hours of bug triage. 花费 400 小时定位 BUG。

Make undebuggable programs. Plaster layers of abstraction over everything. Write spaghetti code. Make everything sensitive to initial conditions. Avoid pure functions. Use dependencies liberally. Say “it works on my machine” whenever possible.

编写无法调试的程序,过分使用抽象层,编写复杂的代码。编写意大利面条式代码 (意大利面条代码是一种不遵循任何规则的代码,它只是按照作者的意愿编写的,这让其他程序员甚至作者本人都难以理解它) 。使所有代码都对初始条件敏感。避免纯函数。随意使用依赖项。尽可能说“它在我的机器上可以运行”。

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